VOCA Allowable Services, Activities, and Costs

CFDA #16.575

VOCA victim assistance funds are restricted for those direct services which respond to the immediate needs of crime victims, so that the severity of the psychological trauma is reduced; assist the victim in participating in the criminal justice process; and help restore the victim's sense of dignity, self-esteem, and coping mechanisms. Those costs that are necessary and essential to providing these direct services may be supported with VOCA victim assistance grant funds. Allowable costs and eligibility of projects is in accordance with the Federal VOCA Requirements, the  DOJ Grants Financial Management Guide, OMB Uniform Guidance, and the 2 CFR 200. The following, although not exhaustive, is a listing of services, activities and costs that are considered to be eligible for support with VOCA victim assistance grant funds:

Allowable Direct Services Costs

Allowable Costs for Activities Supporting Direct Services

Before these costs can be supported with VOCA funds, the Utah Office for Victims of Crime and the subgrantee must agree that direct services to crime victims cannot be offered without support for these expenses, that the subgrantee has no other source of support for them, and that only limited amounts of VOCA funds will be used for these purposes. The following list provides examples of such items:

Allowable Subrecipient Administrative Costs

The services, activities, and costs listed below are not generally considered direct crime victim services, but are often a necessary and essential activity to ensure that quality direct services are provided. Before these costs can be supported with VOCA funds, the Office for Victims of Crime and the Subgrantee must agree that direct services to crime victims cannot be offered without support for these expenses, that the Subgrantee has no other source of support for them, and that only limited amounts of VOCA funds will be used for these purposes. The following list provides examples of such items.

Unallowable Costs

The following services, activities, and costs, although not exhaustive, CANNOT be supported with VOCA victim assistance grant funds except if they have been authorized in a previous section: