Utah Victims' Rights
Victims and witnesses of crime have fundamental rights in the criminal justice process to ensure that all victims are treated with dignity, respect, courtesy, and sensitivity.
Utah Legislature and Constitution protects and honors victims’ rights. You can locate these rights in the Utah Constitution, Article 28 and in the Utah Criminal Code at 77-37, 77-38 and 77-38a.
Victims have a right to:
- Be informed as to the level of protection from intimidation, free from harassment, harm and abuse available to them throughout the criminal justice process.
- Be informed and assisted as to their role in the criminal justice process.
- Have a clear explanation regarding relevant legal proceedings.
- Have a secure waiting area that does not require them to be in close proximity to defendant or the family or friends of defendant
- Seek restitution and reparations
- Have any personal property returned to the victim when the court or prosecution no longer needed.
- Reasonable employer intercession services to minimize employees’ loss of pay and other benefits resulting from their participation in the criminal justice process.
- Victims have the right to object to a petition for expungement.
- Should have a speedy disposition of the entire criminal justice process.
- Timely notice of judicial proceedings they are to attend and timely notice of cancellations.
Victims’ Rights listed are summarized from the Utah State Code §77-37. Refer to the code for exact and full language.
Crime Victim & Witness Complaints
The Utah State Legislature established a Victims’ Rights Committee in each of the eight judicial districts in Utah. The purpose of these committees is to address specific complaints and problems within their respective judicial districts Criminal Justice System (i.e. law enforcement, prosecution, courts, Corrections, Board of Pardons). Individuals may bring violations of victims’ rights to the attention of their respective District Victims’ Rights Committee via Victim/Witness Complaint form.
Refer to the Utah State code §77-37 for full language.
Please visit the Victim Services Commission for more information regarding the Complaint procedure.