Utah Sexual Assault Program (USAP)

The Utah Office for Victims of Crime has been designated as the pass-through agency for the sexual assault service funds allocated by the Utah Legislature.

The purpose of state-awarded sexual assault funding is to support organizations dedicated to providing critical services to victims of rape and sexual assault across Utah. This funding is designed to strengthen Rape Crisis Centers, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs, state designated coalitions, and culturally specific programs that address the unique needs of diverse communities. By enhancing these essential services, the funding ensures victims receive the support, care, and advocacy they need to heal and recover.

The funding cycle spans 12 months, commencing on July 1 and concluding on June 30 of the following year. Funding announcements are typically provided between January and March of each year. 


Rape Crisis Centers 

To be eligible for this funding, an entity must be a state recognized Rape Crisis Center. UOVC will determine eligibility based on Utah State Code 77-38-203 and the entities adherence to the Rape Crisis Center Standards of Care developed by the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. This is a formula based allocation. 

SANE Programs 

To be eligible for this funding, the applicant must be either a hospital-based or non-profit organization. SANE programs must follow best practice standards and licensing statutes as defined by the International Association of Forensic Nurses, the Board of Nursing and the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. This funding requires an application, and allocations will be determined based on funding priorities.


A portion of the state funds will be dedicated to the two Utah sexual assault coalitions, Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault (UCASA) and Restoring Ancestal Winds (RAW), for the purposes of supporting local rape crisis centers, providing training and technical assistance to programs, and increasing availability and access to culturally-specific services for Native survivors of sexual violence. This funding requires an application, and allocations will be determined based on funding priorities. 

Culturally Specific Organizations

An organization is eligible for this funding if it is a nonprofit, non-governmental, or tribal organization that mainly helps racial and ethnic minority communities. These organizations should be run by and for the people they serve, with staff members who are part of those communities. This funding requires an application, and allocations will be determined based on funding priorities.

Underserved Specific Organizations

An organization is eligible to get funding for underserved programs if it is a nonprofit, non-governmental, or tribal organization that mainly helps communities lacking resources because of cultural, social, economic, or geographical reasons. These organizations should be run by and for the people they serve, with staff members who are part of those communities. This funding requires an application, and allocations will be determined based on funding priorities.

Reporting Requirements

Report Type

Reporting Period

Due Date


Progress Report

2x per program year, Jul-Dec, Jan-Jun

January 30 and July 30

Upload to GMS

Quarterly Reimbursement Request

Q1 (Jan-Mar), Q2 (Apr-Jun), Q3 (Jul-Sept), Q4 (Oct-Dec)

30 days after quarter ends

Submit in GMS

Report to Governing Board

2x per Program Year

2x per Program Year

Upload to GMS

Allowable and Unallowable Costs