VAWA & SASP Grant Extension Timeline

September 12, 2022 VAWA & SASP Subgrantees, I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. It is nearing the end of Year 2 of the 2021-2022 VAWA and SASP Grants cycle. I just wanted to take some time to give everyone a general timeline regarding the six-month extensions. More detailed information will be released in …

VAWA & SASP Moving to Fiscal Year

August 1, 2022 VAWA & SASP Subgrantees, The purpose of this email is: to disseminate subgrantee feedback of program year cycle to provide information on grant extensions to provide information on the next VAWA/SASP RFP VAWA & SASP Program Year On July 21st, Tallie Viteri sent an email requesting questions/feedback on possibly shifting the VAWA and SASP Program years from …

VAWA & SASP Program Year Feedback

July 21, 2022 Dear VAWA and SASP Subgrantees, As you are aware, the current VAWA/SASP program year will be ending soon (December 31, 2022), and the next RFP process to apply for grant funds beginning January 1, 2023 is upon us. Upon careful consideration, we would like to shift the VAWA and SASP Program Years from a calendar year cycle …

Risk Assessment Questionnaire

July 14, 2022 Good afternoon! Each year, UOVC is required to complete a risk assessment for each individual VOCA grant. Part of that process is requesting information from you on the current state of your agency and program. The link below will take you to a google form that needs to be completed for each VOCA grant. If you have …

Happy New (Fiscal) Year!

July 1, 2022 Greetings,  We just wrapped up Year 1 of our 2021-2023 VOCA grant cycle! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to serving victims in Utah. I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that it is imperative we receive your 4th quarter payments by July 15th. The deadline to get payments in is …

*IMPORTANT* VOCA Year 2 Revisions Please Read

May 26, 2022 Greetings,  I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. It is nearing the end of Year 1 of the 2021-2023 VOCA Grant cycle. I just wanted to take some time to give everyone some specific instructions regarding revisions for Year 2, a timeline for those revisions, and some updates regarding VOCA funding …