VAWA & SASP Moving to Fiscal Year
August 1, 2022
VAWA & SASP Subgrantees,
The purpose of this email is:
- to disseminate subgrantee feedback of program year cycle
- to provide information on grant extensions
- to provide information on the next VAWA/SASP RFP
VAWA & SASP Program Year
On July 21st, Tallie Viteri sent an email requesting questions/feedback on possibly shifting the VAWA and SASP Program years from a calendar year cycle to the state fiscal year which begins on July 1st and ends on July 30th. We received two responses:
- We appreciate this change as it will help us to budget more clearly. I know this will add a little more burden on all programs to close out the fiscal year, but I think it is a positive change.
- Thank you!
Given the overall positive response, UOVC has decided WE WILL shift the VAWA and SASP program years to the state fiscal year (July-June) which would also align with our VOCA funding cycle.
Extension to 2022 Grants
Current VAWA/SASP subgrantees will receive a six month extension to their current awards in order to be funded through June 30th, 2023 (this will be calculated by taking the current award for each program and dividing it in half). More specific details will be emailed to you in October 2022. Next VAWA/SASP RFP
- In the early part of 2023, UOVC will open a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for its separate grant programs-VAWA, SASP, and VOCA and will hold subsequent information and training sessions (January-February)
- The application process will begin, subgrantees will need to apply to each funding source separately if they wish to apply to more than one (February-April)
- UOVC will review grant applications through its peer review and screening and allocation process and submit recommendations to the UOVC Board for approval (May-June)
- Applicants will receive notice of funding, complete revisions, and begin the new grant year (June-July)
Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.
Thank you,
VAWA & SASP Grants Program Manager
Utah Office for Victims of Crime