Happy New (Fiscal) Year!

July 1, 2022


We just wrapped up Year 1 of our 2021-2023 VOCA grant cycle! Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to serving victims in Utah. I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that it is imperative we receive your 4th quarter payments by July 15th. The deadline to get payments in is typically 30 days after the quarter ends, with the exception of the 4th quarter. This was covered in our Grant Management Training and you can also look on our website for any key important dates when it comes to your VOCA grant. Also, if you had findings in your desk review that included a payback, those need to be accounted for in this final reimbursement request.

I also want to remind everyone that your revisions for Year 2 were due on June 30th, 2022. We have a number of agencies who have not submitted anything or reached out to our grant analysts regarding an extension. If you made any changes to your grant in Y1, you need to do a revision. If you had hourly positions in Y1, they need to be converted to the Total Position Funding category. You can refer to my Year 2 Revisions email sent on May 26th for more information or reach out to your grant analyst. Please submit your revisions or contact us as soon as possible. We look forward to working with you for another year! Have a great weekend. 

Dale Oyler
VOCA Program Manager
Utah Office for Victims of Crime