Reparations Service Providers
General Billing and Payment Information
The Utah Office for Victims of Crime may pay for crime-related medical, mental health and dental expenses for victims of violent crime.
Collateral Sources
As the payer of last resort, UOVC should be billed after utilizing all other available collateral sources, including, but not limited to, commercial insurance, Workman’s Compensation, Medicare, and Medicaid. UOVC requires that all providers be paneled in-network with that collateral source.
If there is a concern regarding utilization of a collateral source, please contact UOVC at (801)238-2360.
Payment In Full
A service provider who accepts payment from UOVC shall agree to accept that payment as payment in full and may not attempt to collect further payment from the victim or the claimant.
When a provider receives notice that a reparations claim has been filed, the service provider may not engage in debt collection until UOVC either pays the bill or denies payment on the bill. Please refer to 63M-7-521.5(2) in the Utah Code.
For additional questions
Contact the UOVC Provider Liaison
Amy Armstrong