Important updates regarding your UOVC grants
September 25, 2023
Dear UOVC Grant Subrecipients,
There are a few important updates in our grants program that we would like to make you aware of.
Addressing the Pending Federal Government Shutdown
Congress appears to be on track to trigger a government shutdown on October 1, 2023, because it is not expected to pass the several appropriation bills that fund government operations before the start of the new federal fiscal year. UOVC has the cash on hand to sustain our grants programs in the event of a limited and relatively short shut down without serious issue. Any shutdowns extending beyond a brief period (1-2 weeks) will begin to decrease our ability to reimburse grant costs. While UOVC remains operational, subgrantee payment requests received through the GMS will be processed and submitted for payment on a daily basis. If UOVC’s operational status changes, we will contact you regarding the impact on our services and systems.
Updated Certified Assurance Notification
It has come to the attention of UOVC an update is needed in regards to the Privileged Communications with Victim Advocates Mandate and the required 40 hour training. This condition has been updated and attached to this email. The update clarifies the differences in training requirements between the Criminal Justice Victim Advocates and the Non Government Organization Victim Advocates. Programs do not need to re-sign this condition in order to be in compliance; instead, programs will simply need to maintain this email with the attached update on file. Should you have any further questions in regards to this grant condition, please contact your Grant Analyst.
Subgrantee Action Needed- Confidentiality Acknowledgement Form
As mentioned during the 2023 Grants Management Training, all UOVC subgrantees are required to sign the Confidentiality Acknowledgement Form. Your grant analyst will send this document via AdobeSign to your agency’s authorized official. Your authorized official will need to sign and return the form no later than Friday, October 6, 2023.
As always, we greatly appreciate the work you do for crime victims across the state. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.
Tallie Viteri
Assistant Director-Grants Administrator
Utah Office for Victims of Crime