Action Required: Annual W-9 Form Submission and Optional EFT Enrollment

August 28, 2024

Dear Subgrantees,

I hope you are doing well.  As we move forward into the new fiscal year, I have to reach out with a couple of important updates.

As required by the IRS, UOVC is obligated to obtain an updated W-9 (FI-171) form from each of our subgrantees annually. Please take a moment to fill out the form using the following link: and return it to UOVC.

**It’s important to complete and return this form promptly.  No payments will be processed or paid after September 30, 2024 without an updated W-9. 

Additionally, if you are interested in receiving electronic payments, you will need to complete an EFT form (FI-170) using the following link:  and return it to 

If you are already receiving EFT payments, you do not need to fill out the FI-170 form using the link above.

You may receive this email from different grant analysts, and/or have recently updated your W-9. Only one updated W-9 is required for your agency per new grant year. If you choose to do EFT, only one EFT form is required. Please forward this email to any contact in your agency that would need this information. I included your finance or HR staff contacts if I have their email and communicate with them regularly.

UOVC appreciates your prompt attention to these matters and your continued partnership. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the respective contacts below.

If you have questions regarding the FI 170, please contact the UOVC accounts payable department at (801) 333-3528

If you have any questions about FI 171 (EFT payment), and/or W-9 forms, please contact the Division of Finance at (801) 957-7703 or