Year 1 Closeout and Year 2 Revisions for VOCA, VAWA and SASP Subrecipients

May 15, 2024

Greetings VOCA, VAWA and SASP Subgrantees,

The purpose of this email is to provide you with important information regarding Year 1 Closeout and Year 2 Revisions.  For purposes of keeping this email concise, you will find enclosed a checklist for each process, as a way for you to track if all requirements are met.  Please see below the relevant information on both:

Year 1 Closeout (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)

The 4th quarter of your grant ends on June 30, 2024.  As a reminder all payment requests are due by July 15.  This is a firm deadline due to it coinciding with the end of the state fiscal year and we are unable to extend this deadline.  Here you may find the FY24 Grant Closeout Checklist. After your final payment request has been paid, your grant analyst will send you a deobligation letter via adobe sign.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your grant analyst in an individual email.  

Year 2 Revisions (Deadline June 14, 2024) VOCA, VAWA, SASP ONLY

The revisions process starts today and is due by 11:59 PM on June 14. If we do not receive revisions by that date, or a request for an extension, we will consider your Year 2 budget final.  Please take this opportunity to take a good look at your budget and come up with a solid forecast with how you see your agency spending these funds over the next year.  Here you may find the FY25 Grant Revisions Timeline & Checklist. Please be sure to email your grant analyst once you have completed all the required revisions and all documents have been uploaded in the files section of the GMS. Please contact your grant analyst, in an individual email, with questions or concerns.   

Please share this email with anyone on your team involved in these areas. 

Moriah Pease
Grants Program Manager
Utah Office for Victims of Crime