*Important Information Regarding STOP VAWA Annual Reporting*
May 7, 2024
Hello VAWA subrecipients, As we have mentioned previously, OVW and VAWA MEI have developed a new reporting tool for the VAWA annual report. This report was previously known as the “Muskie Report”.
Moving forward the annual report will be completed through a web based program. Follow this link for the Blank STOP VAWA Annual Reporting Form, which will create a unique URL for your data after you enter your Point of Contact information at the beginning of the report. When prompted, please save this unique URL so you can return to your in-progress report until you submit it.
As in previous years, each section begins with a question asking if your subaward funds were used to support the following activity. If you check yes, you will enter the requested information in that section. If you check no, you will skip to the next section. Please see the How-To Fill Out a Subgrantee Report PDF or watch the How-To Fill Out a Subgrantee Report training video to learn more about how to use this tool. For an outline of the content of the subgrantee progress reporting forms, please refer to the Sample STOP VAWA Subgrantee Progress Reporting Form. For a detailed explanation of how to respond to each question on the subgrantee report, you may review the STOP VAWA Subgrantee Reporting Form Instructions, which go question-by-question through the entire progress report.
Please ensure you have reviewed the training materials provided.
It is important to remember that the VAWA annual report is collecting data for January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023. In June 2023, your organizations submitted VAWA data to our office for the dates of January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2023. You will now combine this information with the last 6 months of data (July 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023) to complete the report. i will ensure that your previous report (first 6 months of data) is uploaded in the files tab of your award by the end of this week.
The new web based report will be due by June 3, 2024.
For one-on-one technical assistance, or any questions you may have about your funded activities, how to report on them, or how to navigate the tool, please reach. Thank you!
Bri Talbot
VAWA Program Coordinator