Budget Guideline Reminders *PLEASE READ*
April 25, 2023
Good morning,
As we move into the 4th quarter of this fiscal year we would like to give some reminders on budget guidelines. As you know, we have tightened up restrictions on moving funding between categories this year in an effort to best utilize limited funding. In addition, there will be no movement of funding within the budget during the 4th quarter (April – June). This guidance was provided May 26, 2022. Please see the attached email for reference. We understand these restrictions can be a source of frustration, however UOVC will continue to implement these guidelines in an effort to responsibly manage limited funding.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the Crime Victims Conference and want to thank those of you who are participating in the National Crime Victims Right Week!
Have a great day,
Dale Oyler, VOCA Program Manager
Utah Office for Victims of Crime