Intent to Submit Letter/SME Reviewer Application
April 24, 2023
This is a friendly reminder that the Intent to Submit Letter and the SME Reviewer Application are both due tomorrow (April 25th, 2023) by 5:00 pm. We strongly encourage at least one representative from each agency to apply to be an SME reviewer. This is an excellent opportunity to widen your perspectives and skills when it comes to grant writing, while participating in the process we take to award funding across the state of Utah. Finally, I want to remind everyone that we are offering a stipend, up to $300, this grant cycle for SME reviewers. I will attach links to both forms below. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Please let me or your grant analyst know if you have any questions or concerns.
2023-2025 SME Reviewer Application
2023-2025 Intent to Submit Form
Utah Office for Victims of Crime