RFP Training Update *IMPORTANT*

February 3, 2023

Good Afternoon, 

After careful consideration, UOVC has decided to reschedule our RFP training to Monday, March 13th, 2023. We are in unprecedented territory with the sharp decline in VOCA funding, coupled with the likelihood that we will be receiving state funding this legislative session to help offset the loss of federal funds. There are a myriad of variables to consider when advising our subgrantees on how we are going to distribute this funding. Conducting this RFP training prior to the conclusion of this legislative session and allocation of those state funds, will put us in a situation where we would not be able to give instruction with accurate funding amounts. 

More information regarding the Victim Services Appropriations can be found HERE under the “Governor’s Office” tab. I have also attached a document to this email which explains the funding request. If you wish to contact your local representative to educate them about the importance of  the Victim Services Appropriation request, please feel free to do so. We appreciate your understanding with this difficult decision and are committed to providing ample time and information for all agencies to submit their applications. The new deadline for the submission of your grants will be on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023. Please see our website for updated NOFO information and links for the training if you haven’t registered for our training as of today. 

Utah Office for Victims of Crime