Notice of Funding Opportunity 2023-25 VAWA-VOCA-SASP

January 10, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year! I hope you are all doing well.  

Attached you will find the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the VOCA, VAWA, and SASP grant programs.  The Utah Office for Victims of Crime (UOVC) makes every effort to disseminate this information to programs across the entire state, however, please feel free to forward this information to any of your coworkers, colleagues, and collaborating partners.  

As a reminder, updated information regarding this open solicitation can be found on the UOVC website:


Moriah Pease, VAWA Program Manager
Melissa Wayment, Sexual Assault Services Funding Coordinator
Dale Oyler, VOCA Program Manager
Utah Office for Victims of Crime